Shire Oak Academy

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Medical / First Aid

Mr Hill is the academy’s first aider.

Please note that he is not a nurse. 

The role of the First Aider is to provide First Aid to pupils and staff who require it during the school day.

Our First Aider is unable to dispense painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.  If your child needs painkillers during the day, Mr Hill will contact parents/carers and ask if they are able to bring some into school.   Any pain relief that is sent into school MUST be delivered to reception, labelled with the child’s name and must also be in the original container/box/bottle.  Medication that is not labelled or is loose in a bag will NOT be accepted. Mr Hill will collect from reception and will be taken back to the Medical Room for safe keeping.  Other medications such as epi-pens, insulin, and inhalers must also be correctly marked with the child’s name.

Pupils who need to bring medication to the academy should take this to the first aider for safekeeping.

Any medication brought in to school by a pupil, MUST be given to First Aid during Form time for safe keeping.  Pupils are not allowed to carry medication with them during the day, with the exception of inhalers, diabetic equipment and epi pens.  These then must be kept safe in the pupils bag.

First Aid also controls IHCP’s (Individual Healthcare Plan).  If your child brings one home from school, it is important that these are filled in as soon as possible and returned to Mr Hill in First Aid. 


 Mr Hill organises vaccinations with Vaccination UK for years 8 and 9 for both boys and girls.  HPV injections are given in 2 seperate doses to pupils in year 8.  DTP/MenACWY injections are given to pupils in year 9.   Consent forms are sent home with pupils prior to these taking place.   Completed forms must be returned to Mr Hill in First Aid during form time.


It is important that completed vaccination forms are returned and signed by parents even if they are a decline as these consent forms are given back to Vaccination UK for processing.